Friday, August 04, 2006


I’ve found an improvement. Hyperlinks, yet.

I am in the habit of starting in the root document, index.doc, clicking on a hyperlink, saving the document with a new name (see ), switching back to the root document and establishing a hyperlink to the new document.

That last step involves the command sequence Insert, hyperlInk, browse for File, … or in abbreviated keystrokes, Ctrl-K, Alt-F.

Word 2007 obviates the Alt-F. All I need is Ctrl-K and I am placed directly into the browse box.

It is an improvement.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Customize Quick Access Toolbar

“Customize Quick Access Toolbar”, you think, right?

Not quite, as far as I can see today.

Right-click on the QAT and you can drag commands off and on.

I’ve just added “File, Close” and “File, Open”, as you can see:

Trouble is, they look similar to me. I’d like to obtain the dear-old right-click “Edit Button Image” of the past.

I can’t find it anywhere.

That doesn’t mean it is not available, it just means that I can’t find it yet.

And the help files are not giving me much of a clue, either.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Collapse The Ribbon

I read this in an ITNews article, as a result of a Google search

The Ctrl-F1 key combination will collapse the ribbon.

"The Ribbon, a new top-of-the-window feature in most of the suite's applications - including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint - takes up too much space, say many beta users and reviewers.".

I agree.

If you prefer the mouse, double-click on a tab.

And what minimizes the ribbon, maximizes the ribbon.